Shipping in the United States
Sultra Leather products are shipped from our factory and warehouse in San Antonio, TX on regular working days (Monday - Friday; non-holidays). Orders are typically shipped by the first working day following the day you place your order.
Please use the FedEx Ground map below as a guideline to help you choose the shipping method that is right for your needs. FedEx/UPS do not guarantee that Ground shipments will arrive within this time frame, especially to rural destinations or if weather is an issue. FedEx/UPS will be responsible for a timely delivery once your package is picked up. Sultra Leather is not responsible for any delays caused by FedEx, UPS, USPS or any other carrier.
Please keep in mind that your order must be processed, accepted, and transmitted by the credit card processor before 1:00 pm, EST on a business day for it to ship that same business day. Otherwise, it will ship on the following business day.
Smaller items may be shipped via US Priority Mail depending on their final destination.
The current US shipping rates are listed below:
Order Total |
Ground/ |
2nd Day Air |
Next Day Air |
Up to $74.99 |
$10.00 |
$20.00 |
$35.00 |
Above $75.00 |
$30.00 |
$45.00 |
Shipping Outside of the United States:
Shipments going outside of the United States are sent via Express Mail Service (EMS), which operates from the U.S. via USPS and typically arrives in 3-5 days, depending on the final destination and the speed in which your local customs office processes the package. Once the package arrives in your destination country, EMS packages are handled by the local designated carrier (for example, in the UK, they are handled by 'Parcel Force'.) Please keep in mind that rules and regulations in each country are different. You may be responsible for customs duties and taxes when your order arrives at your local customs office. Please note, we request that you do not order lotion for international shipping as it will likely not be accepted by shipping/customs at its final destination.
Current shipping rates to destinations outside the United States are listed below:
Order Total |
International Shipping Rate |
Up to $74.99 |
$30 |
Greater than $75.00 |
$60 |